It's my main project, as of now, that I've worked on for the majority of this year. It's a service/bot that allows Fortnite creators to post Fortnite's shop and news to their social media accounts (currently only Twitter is supported due to few social platforms allowing APIs). This is currently under active development, as there is always something to improve on (for now). Some Twitter accounts that you can look at which use this service are @MuchoFN, @itsarkheops, and @SiegeFNLeaks.
It's one of my side projects that I've worked on for over a year. I started on January 7th, 2018 and worked with Discord.NET, a library that allows you to communicate with Discord as a bot. It started off simple, with a standard ping command. Soon after, I started adding a few basic commands, like "hug", "slap", and a few others. Now, it has music functionality, cleverbot, chuck norris quotes, per server configuration, player stats for multiple games, leaderboards, moderation logging, Minecraft server pinging, and many others.
This was a project given to my CSP class, in which a partner and I had to create some sort of image manipulation program in Python. Both of us went our own ways and made a filter by ourselves and then combined the two. My partner made a style transfer filter using AI and I made a "dithering" program that mapped pixels to Minecraft blocks.
It's a project for my CSP class, where myself and a partner work on creating an Android app with App Inventor 2. It was essentially a copy of Doodle Jump, but with Fortnite aspects. The project wasn't meant to be well polished and amazing, but as a satire app, as both of us were incredibly fluent with coding. A few of the "skills" that I learned were working with mobile devices, and game development. My specific role was to work on the textures of the game and fix a few bugs here and there.